"All that we are, and all that we hope to be, we owe to our families."
Hi again to all my fans and blog readers! This next session was super special. It was a 3 generation family session of a local well known family. Let me start by saying that I am seriously the luckiest photographer in the world. My clients are always so magnificent to work with. That's true of my session with the Paris Family, too! I met up with them in July at Marietta Square and the weather was perfect for photo-taking. It was a crisp Saturday morning with a little bit of humidity. While the weather was fine, it was the Paris family that made this shoot such a treat. One of my passions in photography is capturing memories for future generations. The closeness of this family was amazing and I know these pictures will be enjoyed for many years to come. The Paris family consisted of the grandparents, their 3 children and their spouses and a total of 5 grand kids. Their favorite thing to do together is getting together to eat. Beach trips are also a favorite expediti...