"We don't just get to grow old together, we get to grow up together. And that's the real adventure."

There are special moments and then there are moments that take your breath away. I am sure that is how this couple felt when they met way back in high school when they were 15. They have been together ever sense and as B said "They just don't make men like that anymore." She definitely got a keeper.
Their kids were just as cute. They adored each other just as their parents adored each other and their kids. My favorite part of this session was capturing the one picture I wasn't planning on. It was a spur of the moment picture that turned out amazing. While I was taking their couple pictures the little ones were crawling around. I was able to capture the kids playing and being kids as well as the emotions and love the parents have.
It was again one of those moments that take your breath away. Did I plan that shoot? No. But it is probably my favorite shot from the entire session. I love how it turned out. Oh and if your wondering... The best way to get an 18 month old girl to look at you during a photo session is to start singing "baby shark."


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