Printing your Photos to display in your home: The importance of choosing the right Printing Lab

Professional Lab vs Consumer lab
Before I started my journey as a professional photographer, I didn’t know the difference or the value of using a professional lab for printing my pictures vs a typical consumer lab. I would always take my cd to the local Walmart or target to get them printed. What I
didn’t realize is that there were so many things off with the consumer lab compared to a professional lab. If you look at the comparison in the following article by My Click Magazine, you can see the difference in the different prints.
When I price the printing packages for you to purchase, I do it based off of the prices at the professional lab so that you will get the best color and best quality possible.
I want to provide the best quality products for my clients so I have chosen a specific professional lab that provides the best quality I can find when it comes to prints. I try to keep the printing price as budget friendly as possible but I don’t go as low as the stores because you are getting way better quality than you would at the store and as the saying goes “you get what pay for.”
However, I know that professional print shops can add up and since I offer the print release with my digital files, there is the option of going to a consumer lab and having them printed.. Although I don’t encourage this direction due to quality, this is an option. If
you choose to go this direction, this article may help in choosing the best consumer lab to spend your money at.
Adoramapix and Mpix where the best out of the consumer labs tested.
But again, quality=money and if you’re going to spend your money on a high quality consumer lab, why not just budget a little more and get the professional prints that will look even better? I do offer payment plans for the professional prints so that you can
get the best quality products to display in your home. Capturing these precious memories for you is my goal and I want you to be able to display them in the best way possible.


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